Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin resigns, says paper going 'bad to worse,' blames Bezos
"The Washington Post’s billionaire owner and enlisted management are among the offenders," Rubin said in a statement.
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin on Monday announced her resignation, saying the Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper, known for its political reporting, continues to decline.
"I fear that things are going from bad to worse at The Post," she told CNN.
Her resignation follows the newspaper's decision in late October not to endorse a candidate in the 2024 presidential race, after having done so for decades.
The editorial board of the liberal-leaning paper had reportedly decided to endorse Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris over then-GOP nominee Donald Trump. But Post billionaire owner Jeff Bezos reportedly blocked the move.
Rubin had frequently written columns critical on now-President-elect Trump.
In her resignation, Rubin also criticized Bezos and other U.S. newspaper owners.
"Corporate and billionaire owners of major media outlets have betrayed their audiences’ loyalty and sabotaged journalism’s sacred mission – defending, protecting and advancing democracy," she said in a statement. "The Washington Post’s billionaire owner and enlisted management are among the offenders."
Other Post journalists who have recently resigned include Josh Dawsey and Ashley Parker.
"Jeff Bezos and his cronies accommodate and enable the most acute threat to American democracy – Donald Trump – at a time when a vibrant free press is more essential than ever to our democracy’s survival and capacity to thrive," Rubin also wrote.