Bush-era diplomat rips 'unconscionable' Biden acquiescence to Chinese 'intimidation center' in NY

Centers have "taken 230,000 Chinese citizens, and essentially by holding their family hostage back in China and then showing them on video and audio that they've got them, they're extracting them and pulling them home," explained Robert Charles. A former Bush administraton assistant secretary of state says it is "unconscionable" that the Biden administration has allowed China to set up what he calls an "intimidation center" in New York to pressure Westernized Chinese nationals residing in the U.S. to return home by "holding their family hostage."

Published: October 14, 2022 1:06pm

Updated: October 15, 2022 11:06pm

A former Bush administration assistant secretary of state says it is "unconscionable" that the Biden administration has allowed China to set up what he calls an "intimidation center" in New York pressuring Westernized Chinese nationals residing in the U.S. to return home by "holding their family hostage."

By failing to "turn those places upside down," said Robert Charles, former assistant secretary for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, "you're facilitating the hostage-taking and the extortion and the extraction of these free people. You're essentially part of the process of targeting innocents."

In an interview Thursday on the John Solomon Reports podcast, Charles was asked about reports that China's MInistry of Public Security had installed a "police station" in New York City "aimed at intimidating Chinese residents or Chinese Americans to come back home to repatriate."

"Around the world" China has "begun to establish these — they call them service centers — but I think it could more aptly be called intimidation centers," said Charles. "And the sad part here is that they're essentially trying to both extract people — they've taken 230,000 Chinese citizens —and essentially by holding their family hostage back in China and then showing them on video and audio that they've got them, they're extracting them and pulling them home.

"Why? Because these are people who undoubtedly have become more integrated in a positive way and are understanding capitalism, understanding democracy, and are essentially becoming part of the integrated Western understanding of all those things we love — free markets and the freedoms that we find in our Bill of Rights. So they are trying to intimidate them and pull them home."

Asked why the administration would allow such an extension of Chinese political controls on U.S. soil, Charles said that U.S. acquiescence has made it tacitly complicit in the outrage.

"The double irony here is that not only should China not be doing that, obviously, we should not be complicit in allowing that to happen," he said. "I mean, when you allow a foreign entity — whether it's Iran or Russia or China, and in this case it's China — to hold people captive or to threaten the family of someone and then you essentially don't PNG, make them persona non grata, have the State Department oust those people, undertake at the state level with state police as well as local sheriffs even or at the federal level with the FBI, you don't go in and turn those places upside down, then what you're doing is you're facilitating the hostage-taking and the extortion and the extraction of these free people. You're essentially part of the process of targeting innocents.

"And it's really unconscionable that we should allow any of those entities to exist. And I'm under the impression that New York may not be the only place where China is quietly setting these places up. So we need to protect our own, and we need to protect those people that believe in that ideology — I talked a minute ago of freedom, the idea that the Bill of Rights really matters —and if the Biden administration isn't going to do it, who's going to do it?

"I mean, I thought we invested them with the power to do right and good, not to do wrong and get rich."

Charles said that even with the administration's belated acknowledgement in the national security strategy it recently sent to Congress that China is an adversary, the Biden team has still failed to reckon with the reality that China is in essence the new Soviet Union — a repressive, militaristic regime that America must recognize as its "knock-down, drag-out ideological adversary."

The U.S. can't afford to be passive in the face of China's growing military, economic and ideological threat, Charles argued.

China is bent on "world domination, and they're not making a secret of it anymore," he warned. "They're gonna lay in a thousand ICBMs between now and 2030, they're trying to take over essentially everything in the Far East, and it scares the heck out of the Australians and the Japanese and, of course, Taiwan. But we're sitting back on our haunches as if we're just going to wait for the next Pearl Harbor. That's not the way to manage deterrence of war, and it's not the way Congress should understand the threat before us.

"One of the things I really hope and pray is that Americans will understand the gravity of what's happening in China, how it affects us every single day — the penetration of our computers, the penetration of our business sector, the penetration of our farmlands, the penetration of our media, the whole nine yards — and understand that this kind of unrestricted warfare is not a joke."

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