The Water Cooler with David Brody

TODAY: Kemp to Biden: Butt out of Georgia's Election Law, Focus on Border

In the March 31, 2021 Episode 58 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:


Segment #1: Governor Brian Kemp (R-G.A.): "President Biden Needs To Focus On The Southern Border," Rather Than Georgia's Election Law.


Segment #2: Former Acting Deputy Secretary, DHS, Ken Cuccinelli on Biden Administration's handling of Border Crisis: "This is not a mistake. It's a mass disaster. It's a crisis, even though they won't admit it, but it's not unintentional."


Segment #3: Executive Director of the ACLJ, Jordan Sekulow, discusses the crisis on our Southern Border and Biden's Infrastructure Plan.


Segment #4: Rick Green: Was The Lack of Media Access at The Migrant Facilities a 1st Amendment Violation? 


Segment #5: Last Sip: Joe Weber breaks down today’s Poll of The Day


Segment #6: Joseph Curl, Writer at Just The News, on Biden's refusal to throw the first pitch to open up the Washington National's 2021 Season.


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