Rep. Grothman to voters: Innocence of children on the ballot, we've got to wake up or will have a different America

Transgender child, June 30, 2019, New York City

Rep. Glenn Grothman appeals to voters on the eve of the midterm elections, "among many other Democrat initiatives out there, every single Democrat in Congress, 220 out of 220, voted for the LGBTI Data Inclusion Act, saying that all Americans are going to be asked what their sexual preference are. Are you transgender? Are you binary? Are you gay? And by all Americans, I mean, Americans down to seven, six, or five-years-old.” The Wisconsin Congressman says, "the idea that would be the government's business to ask a 30-year-old, what their sexual preferences is outlandish. It's more outlandish when we talk about 14-years-old, it's more outlandish when we talk about nine-years-old that had passed out of the House of Representatives. If there were two more Democrat senators that would be the law today, this idea of robbing children of their childhood, asking an eight or nine-year-old, are you gay? Are you transgender is beyond belief. It's beyond belief, the local nuts school board did it. It's more beyond belief, if the US Congress does it, and we are very close to that happening.” Congressman speaks to the imporatant goal of waking up the public. Congressman says, "that the only reason that [Democrats] been able to get away with this is, that the public has been asleep or not caring. And the idea that we should sit here, as our young children become sexualized, or wondering whether they're gay or transgendered. It's just beyond belief. I think the Republicans are focusing on inflation and crime, and that's fine. But they also ought to be telling the parents of children out there, telling everybody, that the privacy of the adults is on the line, and the innocence of children is on the line. Every one of these Democrats wants to ask young children, are you gay or not, at a very young age, and that is just so far from what our country's value should be.” The Congressman discusses important issues that have been left to the wayside such as open borders, crime, the drug overdose epedemic is because "the Democrats are able to get away with this is because don't pay a price at the polls.” Grothman appeals to the American public that they have "got to wake up, or we will permanently have a very different sort of America."

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