Ex-Border Patrol chief urges new GOP Hill leaders to defund DHS over border crisis


Mark Morgan, former Acting Commissioner of the Border Patrol calls on newly elected Congress to use the “power of the purse” to force the Biden Administration to deal with the ongoing border crisis. Morgan comments, that Republicans will have the gavel starting in January, and have “got to have the political strength, courage, and will, to use that power, that authority, they've got to stop the bleeding.” Commenting, “now look are [Republicans] going to be able to pass legislation that [President Biden] is going to accept? Probably not. But look, they can stop the bleeding. For example, let's stop funding DHS, the very organization that has shepherded in the open border policies that are literally killing Americans. Oh, and by the way, also killing migrants every single day. Let's say no, enough is enough, we're not going to continue because if they don't, they're enablers.” The former Border Patrol Chief says, Republican leadership has to be willing to do the unpopular actions, like "being willing to shut down the government to say enough is enough, and to have the political strength, courage, will, and the ability to articulate to American people why we're doing it, because literally Americans are dying every single day because of this administration's open border policies."

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