AZ Supreme Court uses AI-generated reporters to inform the public about court-related news
The AI-generated “reporters” are named Daniel and Victoria, and the court said they specialize in explaining cases, decisions and opinions in clear, effective ways.
(The Center Square) - Artificial intelligence has arrived at the Arizona Supreme Court.
The court has announced AI-generated reporters are now informing the public about court-related news.
The “reporters” are named Daniel and Victoria, and the court said they specialize in explaining cases, decisions and opinions in clear, effective ways. Their video reports will be found on, the court’s website, and on social media platforms. Already, the reporters have introduced themselves on YouTube.
“In today’s fast-paced digital world, people turn to short videos for news and updates,” Chief Justice Ann Scott Timmer said in a press release. “I’m thrilled that our court is embracing AI technology to meet the public where they are.”
The court discussed producing more conventional, brief videos to go along with rulings and press releases.
However, timeliness was a concern. In going with AI-generated reporters such as Daniel and Victoria, the court said it got comparable results in less time.
“With AI news reporters, anyone can quickly stay informed on court decisions, new rules and regulatory updates — making justice more accessible than ever,” said Timmer.
The chief justice is excited, but watchdogs are concerned.
Dan Schneider, vice president of Media Research Center and its Free Speech America and External Affairs, told The Center Square he hopes Timmer’s transparency is matched by an equally transparent AI system.
“She is creatively using this new powerful tool to help people better understand their rights and responsibilities under the law, but she needs to use serious caution when selecting AI programs,” said Schneider. “The Biden administration funded several left-wing organizations to create AI programs specifically to sway users to adopt radical views.”
AI is becoming more common and is being used or explored by people and organizations for various reasons.
Meanwhile, Timmer said maintaining public trust and confidence in the judiciary branch is among the goals in her strategic agenda.
“AI is a powerful tool, but it must never be allowed to brainwash people into a weird belief system,” Schneider said. “It seems like the chief justice understands this.”