Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

Watch: Fmr. Sen. Jim DeMint says Biden acting like a puppet

On the May 24, 2021 Episode of Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann:


Segment 1- Jim DeMint, Chairman, CPI - Author of "Satan's Dare" / GOP has chance to promote unity vs Dem agenda


Segment 2- Fred Fleitz, Pres, Center for Security Policy - Biden's petulant anti-Trump policies are anti-US


Segment 3 - Jake Hoffman, AZ State Rep (R) - Irregularities in audit continue to arise. Outcome to take months


Segment 4 - Ryan Mauro, President, Clarion Intelligence Network - A defensive cyber-security policy won't work


Segment 5 - Just the News Minute: The Squad almost kills security bill / GOP AGs sue for  4th July celebrations