Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Trump lawyers start slowly on day 1 of trial

On the February 10, 2021 28th episode of season 2 of Just the News a.m. with Carrie Sheffield:

Segment 1 - Stacy Washington, Co-Chair of Project 21: Trump's lawyers could've been more aggressive with Democrat's hypocrisy towards violent rhetoric. Washington agrees that Trump's legal team should have "come out swinging" harder during the impeachment trial.

Segment 2 - Mark Hemingway, Senior Writer at Real Clear Investigations: Trump's Team getting their 'Sea Legs.' "I don't think anyone quite knew what Democrats were going to do on the first day" of the impeachment trial, says Hemingway.

Segment 3 - Antonia Okafor Cover, National Spokesperson for Gun Owners of America: Canceled gun show finds new TV home. Sinclair decided to nix Ammoland show after an education episode about the AR-15 and AK-47.

Segment 4 - Earnest Istook, Fmr Congressman (R-OK): "Trump would have a very difficult time running in the future." The impeachment trial is only "one symptom" of an effort to fundamentally change America's values and principles, says Istook.

Segment 5 - Ben Bergquam: the national guard troops are not happy to be here. What was once considered fascist is now the Democrats' representation of freedom, says Bergquam of the DC fences and National Guard presence.

Segment 6 - Carrie gives us a much needed laugh 


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