Rep. Austin Scott: Intel community says it’s apolitical yet played huge role helping Dems in last two presidential elections


Rep. Austin Scott raises the alarm on the recent revelations of the ‘biased’ actions taken by the intelligence community and federal government agencies. The Georgia Congressman remarks that it is concerning the nature of actions that the intelligence community has taken over the years against Donald Trump. Saying, if “you look at everything that somebody in the intelligence community, or an intelligence agency, did to him, both before he was elected, and after he was elected and during his campaign, and how they either originated from Democrats, like Hillary Clinton and her campaign, or they protected Democrats like Hunter Biden, and therefore, Joe Biden. It's very clear that the bias from that community is towards the far left Democratic Party and and yet they're supposed to be totally apolitical. They're not supposed to be engaging in political activity, and yet they have played a role, a very significant role in the last two presidential elections.”

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